Erfa – uvoz, distribucija in pospeševanje prodaje
Podjetje Erfa je eno vodilnih slovenskih podjetij, specializiranih za uvoz, distribucijo in pospeševanje prodaje mlečnih izdelkov ter izdelkov za dopeko. Blagovne znamke, ki jih distribuiramo in uvažamo, se ponašajo z visoko kakovostjo ter dobro prepoznavnostjo v evropskem prostoru. V več kot 25 letih smo zgradili zelo uspešno poslovno sodelovanje in si s preseganjem svojih ter njihovih pričakovanj prislužili njihovo zaupanje.
Naši poslovni partnerji so največje in najbolj prepoznavne trgovske verige v Sloveniji: Spar, Mercator, Engrotuš, E.Leclerc, Jagros, Kea ter drugi.
Bi radi vstopili na slovenski trg mlečnih izdelkov? Prepričani smo, da smo najboljši poslovni partner za vas.
Naše odlike in prednosti
Več kot 40 let izkušenj s področja uvoza, distribucije in pospeševanja prodaje.
Poznamo in obvladujemo več kot 90 % slovenskega trga.
Smo zanesljivi, odzivni, strokovni in predani.
Vse v enem
Smo pravi naslov za vstop na slovenski trg mlečnih izdelkov in izdelkov za dopeko.
Kako nastanejo luknje v siru?
Obstajajo številne zgodbe o tem, kako nastanejo luknje v siru, večina so …
Monte White Fan Edition
Vsi poznamo priljubljen desert Monte iz Zotta. Kombinacija iz sveže mlečne kreme, …
20 let Jogobelle in Monteja
Priljubljena Jogobella in Monte iz Zotta letošnje leto praznujeta že kar 20 …
"I can't believe how much I had fun on this trip. I learned new techniques that I didn't even think were possible. I recommend anybody and everybody to come here and hit the waves with these guys. They are unbelievably friendly too! Will come again next year with friends."Tiffany Parker
"Amazing fun water experience, friendly and knowledgable staff. Lovely accomodation and it was easy to find the main building. Nightlife on the west coast near the see is amazing and wild."Kyle McDonald
"I wasn't a very confident surfer before I came to stay here. Now that I have spent time learning with these guys, I feel ready to take on any challenge. They were so patient and knowledgable. I could not have had a better time anywhere in the world."Philip Baker
Came as customers, left as friend. It was a blast to be in resort for one week. Perfect weather, perfect waves, lots of activities. I need to come again to improve my diving and climbing skills.Aaron Dixon
"I can't believe how much I had fun on this trip. I learned new techniques that I didn't even think were possible. I recommend anybody and everybody to come here and hit the waves with these guys. They are unbelievably friendly too! Will come again next year with friends."Amanda Murray
"I wasn't a very confident surfer before I came to stay here. Now that I have spent time learning with these guys, I feel ready to take on any challenge. They were so patient and knowledgable. I could not have had a better time anywhere in the world."Denise Bennetti